About Me!

I'm a sophomore at Butler University in Indianapolis, Indiana studying Middle/Secondary Education and Math. Semester at Sea is my opportunity to not only study abroad, but also live the dream of Suite Life on Deck. (Just kidding). I'll be taking classes on a cruise ship with about 600 other students and sharing my experiences here!

Monday, January 18, 2016

Today We Got TACOS

That's right. Today was Taco Day. Trust me, after weeks of pasta and potatoes at every meal, it deserves the capitalization. They were delicious, but I'm not sure if it's because I've been taco-deprived for weeks or if it really was delicious. La Piedad will be my first stop when I get back to Indy. 

In other news, it was also a study day today. We don't get exactly weekends on the ship, and honestly, I have no idea what day of the week it is. All I know is that today was basically our equivalent of a weekend. Occasionally we'll get days off of class on the longer stretches at sea, but when we're in port for an extended time, that's our weekend. I spent my day outside on the back deck watching a movie about sushi for my Travel Writing class and watching people play chess on the life-size chess board. 
We have midterms this week, but in a few days I'll finally be in Japan! Only four more days at sea! We also crossed the international date line the other day, so we're officially 17 hours ahead of eastern standard time. BUT we get another hour of sleep tonight. This trip is like fall back daylight savings every other day because we're going west. So we'll be 16 hours ahead of the east coast starting tomorrow. 

Another exciting update - I started tutoring two boys whose dad is a faculty member on the ship. Every other morning, my friend Maddie and I meet up with the boys and help them out with the material they're learning since they're homeschooling this semester. She's a nursing major, so she does all of the science and I do all of the math. Tim is in 9th grade and working on Algebra II, which is perfect for my major. Ben is in 6th grade, but he doesn't need as much help with math and usually Maddie's able to help him since he's just multiplying fractions. We've gotten to know their family over the past week and their mom Jen even invited us to go to dinner with them one night! It's really cool to be in an environment where the faculty and staff and lifelong learners really get to interact and get to know each other. 

Other than that, things are pretty normal - at least for living on a ship! Feel free to email me at lauren.wiley.sp16@semesteratsea.org. I get lonely! 

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